One of my cousins is going to Switzerland (and leaving India for the first time) in a month and she was wondering if she could drink Swiss tap water and what kinds of pills she’d have to take (having seen me popping pills and boiling water for a week); not really believing me that her immune system is battle hardened and she’d be fine. She, and therefore many others in Bharat, really have no idea how filthy (relative to the west) it is, tacitly believing the whole world is somewhat the same. I suppose this is part of the reason that it was so baffling to my EF when we asked for lots of (apparently random) things to be done to the flat before showing up, there’s just no way to transfer general culture and expectations.
My EF keeps asking what I want to see and I have to keep saying I have no idea what is in Mumbai, and even if I did I have no context to tell if any of it is cool, so they take me around to things that are impressive to them. Some of the time it’s odd, like they took me to a mall. By western standards nothing special about it, maybe a bit dumpy, just a mall. They are so impressed. I should mention that relative to Mumbai my extended family is well-to-do. The room and board is this side of acceptable, which would be impossible if they weren’t middle-class.
My EF hardly knows me, but love me all the same, it’s touching, even if I can’t understand how that works. Suffice to say it’s strange, and so far I’ve had a decent time in Mumbai.
Alright, that’s all for now, there’s more coming as I have time to integrate my notes and find an internet connection.